Suggestion: Look for your local hiking or walking groups on Facebook or online. Stop the negative self-talk – if you believe that it’s impossible to find good single men over 60, you’ll probably prove yourself right! Don’t assume that you won’t have anything in common with men your age. Most single guys are like you – they have a lot of different things in life to keep them busy, whether that’s work or family, grandkids, pets, hobbies or other interests. It’s true that many men love sports, and they might say on their online dating profiles that they enjoy activities like cycling, hiking, boating, golfing, running or swimming, but men are multifaceted people just like women. Many women over 60 assume that older men are only interested in watching TV, drinking beer and playing sports. When It Comes to Senior Dating, Recognize that there’s More to Men than Sports Failing that direct approach, here are a few other ideas for finding these mysterious older men. So, the secret is to do those things that you love, knowing that the men you will meet there at a minimum like doing what you do. Interesting men are out in the world doing interesting things, not waiting patiently for you to appear in their lives. They are not hiding, but they are certainly not going to come knocking on your door. If you are looking to develop a relationship with a man in your 60s, you have to know where to look.